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President-Elect: Rate & Nominate Candidates

Whom do you nominate as a candidate for the President-Elect competition TV show?
On President-Elect, the contestants in the competition show to become America's choice to run for President of the United States are chosen from the highest-rated candidates nominated on MainStream Nation. Create a new Post, or find out more about the show!

Create a New Post

Your post title will appear in featured areas on MainStream Nation such as the New Posts section of the home page and the main Posts page. Try to make sure that the title is compelling and representative of what you intend to post.

You can use the proposed candidate’s name for your title (especially if you feel they already have name recognition), a slogan, or one of the candidate’s best qualifications for our nation’s highest elected office.



Use as many of these fields as you can to give the other users reading your post as comprehensive an understanding of your nominee's fitness for the office of President of the United States as possible.   Our community of users can then review it and give up to a five-star rating.  If the nominee in your post becomes one of the top-rated candidates in the MainStream "Nation," that nominee has a chance to be one of the contestants appearing on the President-Elect competition show!

Even if you have already used the candidate's name as your Post Title, make sure to enter it into the Candidate Name field below.

When you enter the candidate's name, make sure to use the version of the name that the public will recognize.

Post Image*

A great Post Image will increase the number of users that click on your post and increases the chances that it will be read and rated.

The recommended image dimensions are 960 pixels wide and up to 540 pixels high. Try to make sure the main object is centered with enough margins to ensure that the image would fit different screen sizes.

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Post Summary *

Get clicked on! Write a summary to describe your post in a short and exciting way to put great text alongside your Post Image so other users will want to hear what you have to say!

Introduce the Candidate: *

Give your fellow users a short introduction telling them who your nominee is and a compelling summary of why their strengths, skills, and experience make them the best choice to lead the country by carrying out the policies and principles the majority of us can agree on.

Post Description: *

The Post Description is the place where you can go into more detail and make a compelling case as to why your fellow users should give your post a high rating. You might want to start with a bulleted list of the key points that users should refer to understand and explain your suggestion. If you need to say more or have other files to share, include them in the "Additional Attachments" field below.

Additional Attachments: 

Use the fields below to upload any supporting files, such as a document, presentation, or more images. Most common image, text, and document file formats are supported.


Tip: Videos get more engagement than any other kind of content. You can  add a video link (as well as links to any website or social media content) that you think will help other users read and rate your post.

Add Image File
Add Document File

Links to Videos, Websites and/or Social Media: 


Your Post can be rated by other users as soon as you submit them, so to protect the intent and integrity of your fellow users' ratings, all Posts on MainStream Nation can only be edited after submission on a case-by-case basis under special circumstances and with help from the MainStream Nation support team.

It is highly recommended that you save your Post as a draft so that you can preview and proofread it for spelling, formatting, and composition issues before you submit the Post for rating by others.

To preview your draft, just click the "Save as Draft" button. You can go back to editing and resume the submission wizard by clicking "Complete Task" at the top of the preview page.

Once your Post is saved, you can do this as many times as needed to make sure your Post is acceptable by your standards before submitting it. Even if you leave the site or log out of the system, you can log back in, find the draft in the "To Do" list or "My Page" areas of your account, click "View" and begin editing again.

When you are satisfied with your Post, click the "Submit" button, and thanks for your part in making Media By the People!

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